I hate beeing alone at the weekend's evening, it's so depressing. Especially Saturday like this, rainy and cold. I think, that nobody likes to be alone at this time. But there's two ways of spending it. You can lying around on the bed, watch some romantic movie, eat ice cream and cry how hopeless you are OR turn on the music that you like, sing out loud, pretend that you're a star :) I decided to iron the clothes, sing, dance, and pack up the suitcase. Today I feel good, maybe because of song I heard, I want summer back! But today it's also first day of Autumn. I don't like this season. It's very depressing time. But this evening I don't think about at all :) I have to tell you that this summer I bought so many clothes :) My friend told me to start use my blog as fashion blog, but I'm afraid that my clothes, my style and me won't like you. She thinks that I have what I need. Maybe someday I will add pictures of me :) I think it's time. People who read my blog would like to know how looks the person who writes it all :)
Question for you:
How you spend "lonley Saturdays"?
And for end the song what makes my day better! :)
Enjoy your Weekend! :)
Question for you:
How you spend "lonley Saturdays"?
And for end the song what makes my day better! :)
Enjoy your Weekend! :)